Friday, May 27, 2011

Day Two

Jonathan's Cancer here. My plan has hit a few bumps, but I think we're getting back on track. It took forever to get Jonathan out of bed and seated. First he had to disconnect from all these feeding tubes and IVs, then he fell back asleep. I finally had to engineer a gentle little fall out of bed to wake him up. Don't worry. Jonathan's fine. He falls down and out of bed all the time.
Anyway, I get him to the computer and he just sits there. Granted he had chemotherapy for four hours yesterday, but whatever. The effects of chemotherapy haven't hit me yet. To not waste time, I start to try and iron out some of the kinks we're having regarding viewing followers and people unable to become followers or leave comments, but he doesn't seem to care. I'm beginning to think that maybe Jonathan isn't as into this as I thought. Or maybe all the poison medicine they're pumping into him is making him into a sort of walking zombie. So, whatever, I need to come up with a plan. I tell Jonathan that I'm going to start to tell the story, one thing I knows he wants to write about. He half-snaps back to this world and says, "What? No, I got that part."  And with that, my plan is now in motion. Or not. He's fallen asleep again.


  1. Dear Cancer - I'm so glad to read a Day Two. If you're taking requests, I think you should tell Jonathan to start from the Real Day One. At the very beginning. Because that's a very fine place to start. (And I'd like to read it too.)

  2. Hey Cancer,
    Would you mind letting Jonathan know that his story is not only important to him, but to all of us who have know him for over a quarter of a century and that we identify with him as a father, a husband, and a man. His story, though one he has the burden of carrying on his own, is followed and felt by many, many others who root for him and pray(in their own, sometimes agnostic) for him. So perhaps one day, Cancer, it will be Jonathan who's voice we will be hearing and you will do us the great favor of excusing yourself from this precious blog.
